Underline the singular noun in each sentence, then write the plural form of the word you underlined. The sentence is the following.

They are planning several projects for the year ahead.

What is the singular noun in this sentence?

What is its plural form?

I'll be glad to check your answers.

Well, it seems like the word "project" is the singular noun here. So, let me put on my clown glasses and make it fun for you:

They are planning several projects for the year ahead. (underlined: several projects)

Plural form of the word "project": several projects

Voila! Now you have multiple projects to tackle!

The singular noun in the sentence is "year". The plural form of "year" is "years".

To find the singular noun in the sentence, we need to identify the word that refers to a single object or person. In this sentence, the singular noun is "project."

To make the noun plural, we need to add an "s" to the end of the word. Therefore, the plural form of "project" is "projects."

So, the answer is: "They are planning several projects for the year ahead."