what type of ques comes in all kumaon exams?

To get an accurate answer to your question, it would be best to consult the specific exam syllabus or past papers of the Kumaon exams. However, I can provide you with general types of questions that often appear in exams:

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): These questions offer several options, and you need to choose the correct answer. They can test your knowledge, understanding, and application of concepts.

2. Short Answer Questions: These questions require concise responses, often limited to a few sentences. They assess your ability to recall information, explain concepts briefly, or solve simple problems.

3. Long Answer/Essay Questions: These questions demand detailed explanations or discussions on a particular topic. They assess your understanding, analytical skills, and ability to present ideas coherently.

4. Fill in the Blanks: These questions involve completing sentences or passages by filling in the missing words. They test your understanding of concepts and require accuracy in recalling information.

5. True/False Questions: These questions present statements, and you need to determine whether they are true or false. They assess your comprehension and analysis skills and often require careful evaluation of the given information.

6. Diagram or Graph-based Questions: These questions require you to interpret or draw diagrams, tables, charts, or graphs. They assess your ability to analyze data, understand relationships, and draw conclusions.

Keep in mind that the specific format and types of questions may vary depending on the subject and level of the exam. It's always recommended to refer to the official exam resources and study materials for a more accurate understanding of the question types.