can u give me guidelines to solve this exercise or tell me if they are right please?

Avoid discriminatory language: change these sentences to avoid discriminatory language.
1. any worker who ignores this rule will have his salary reduced.
my answer:
The employee who ignores this rule will have salary reduced.
2. the typical postman rarely makes mistakes in delivering his mail.
my answer:
The mail carrier rarely makes mistakes in delivering the mail.
Are they right?

1. any worker who ignores this rule will have his salary reduced.

my answer:
The employee who ignores this rule will have salary reduced.
awkward; better to make the subject "employees" and revise from there.

2. the typical postman rarely makes mistakes in delivering his mail.
my answer:
The mail carrier rarely makes mistakes in delivering the mail.

Yes, your revisions to the sentences to avoid discriminatory language are both correct. However, I would like to provide some additional guidelines to consider when avoiding discriminatory language:

1. Use gender-neutral language: Instead of using gender-specific pronouns like "he" or "his", use gender-neutral language such as "they" or "their". This ensures inclusivity and avoids assumptions about gender.

2. Focus on the role instead of the individual: Instead of using terms like "postman" or "worker", refer to the person's role or occupation, such as "mail carrier" or "employee". This helps to avoid assumptions based on gender or stereotypes.

3. Be mindful of cultural or racial biases: Avoid language that may perpetuate or reinforce stereotypes based on race or culture. Use inclusive and respectful language that treats all individuals equally, regardless of their background.

Considering these guidelines, here are the revised sentences:

1. Any employee who ignores this rule will have their salary reduced.
2. The mail carrier rarely makes mistakes in delivering the mail.

These revised sentences promote inclusivity and avoid using discriminatory language.