Draw a scatterplot indicating a strong negative relationship between the variables of income and mental illness. Be sure to label the axes correctly.

a quick web search will produce several examples.

A strong negative correlation is indicated by an arrangement of dots approximating a straight line going from upper left to lower right.

Draw a scatterplot indicating a strong negative relationship between the variables of income and mental illness

Sure! To create a scatterplot indicating a strong negative relationship between income and mental illness, you would need data points for both variables. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Collect and organize your data: Gather a sample of individuals and record their income (x-values) and level of mental illness (y-values). Ensure that you have a wide range of income values and corresponding mental illness levels.

2. Determine the range and scale for each variable: Decide on the range and intervals for both income and mental illness. For income, choose appropriate increments to represent different levels such as $10,000, $20,000, or $50,000, depending on your data. For mental illness levels, consider using a scale of 0-10 or any other appropriate scale.

3. Create your scatterplot: On a piece of graph paper, set up the axis labels. The horizontal or x-axis represents income, while the vertical or y-axis represents mental illness levels. Label the axes accordingly, for example, "Income" on the x-axis and "Mental Illness Level" on the y-axis. Make sure to include units if applicable (e.g., "$" for income).

4. Plot the data points: Each individual in your sample will have a pair of values for income and mental illness. Plot each point on the graph by matching the income value on the x-axis and the corresponding mental illness level on the y-axis. The point should represent the coordinates (x, y) for each data pair.

5. Observe the pattern: Analyze the distribution of the data points on the scatterplot. In a strong negative relationship, you would expect to see a downward trend or a cluster of points sloping from the top left to the bottom right. This pattern indicates that as income decreases, mental illness levels tend to increase.

Remember, a scatterplot is a visual representation of data and can provide useful insights into the relationship between different variables. In this case, it helps to demonstrate the negative relationship between income and mental illness levels.