what was the most important decision made by the continental congress? why?

It was probably issuing the Declaration of Independence, knowing that a war would follow.


In my mind,the most important decision was the issuance of the Declaration of Independence, the second most important decision was to put a strong military person in charge of the Army (George Washington)(John Hancock was wanting the position). The third most important decision was not to cash in the chips during the war, and give up. The fourth most important decision, was to have painters set in the meetings, and record in paintings all those speechmakers.

thanks for the help, but i'm asking for the first continental congress, not the second???

If you'd posted what you really wanted in your first post, you'd have your answer by now.

Please read the site I posted.

people say not to use Wikipedia. they don't have accurate answers

my teacher told me that


thanks for the help!!!!!!! =']

i don't know who that was(andrew), but this is the real Jackson person. thanks 4 help :)

The most important decision made by the Continental Congress was the decision to declare independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776. This decision marked the birth of the United States of America and had significant ramifications on the course of history.

To understand why this decision was so crucial, we need to look at the context. The 13 American colonies had been under British rule for years, but tensions had been growing due to issues such as taxation without representation and the restriction of colonial rights. The Continental Congress was formed as a response to these grievances and served as a unified body representing the interests of the colonies.

The decision to declare independence was important for several reasons:

1. Sovereignty: By declaring independence, the Continental Congress declared that the colonies were no longer subject to the rule of the British crown. They asserted their right to self-governance and assert their own laws and policies.

2. Unity: The act of declaring independence brought together the 13 colonies in a common cause. It provided a shared purpose and a framework for cooperation, which was essential for the successful prosecution of the Revolutionary War.

3. International Recognition: The Declaration of Independence was a public document that outlined the principles and reasons for seeking independence. It served as a powerful statement not only to the British, but also to other nations. The proclamation of independence helped gain diplomatic and logistical support from foreign powers, most notably France, which played a crucial role in the ultimate victory of the American Revolution.

4. Inspiration: The decision to declare independence inspired other movements for independence and democratic revolution around the world. The American Revolution served as a model for people seeking self-determination and liberation from colonial and oppressive regimes.

To find out more about the specific discussions and debates that led to the decision to declare independence, you can refer to historical documents like the "Declaration of Independence" itself, primary sources from the Continental Congress, and scholarly works on the American Revolution. These resources will provide in-depth information and valuable insights into the historical significance of this important decision.