what was the goal of roosevelt's corollary to the monroe doctrine

Roosevelt's goal was the right of the U.S. to interfere with the affairs of small nations in the Caribbean and Central America.


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The goal of Roosevelt's Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was to assert and protect U.S. influence and interests in Latin America. It aimed to expand the scope of the Monroe Doctrine and assert U.S. hegemony over the Western Hemisphere. The Monroe Doctrine, initially established in 1823, proclaimed that the United States would oppose any European colonization or intervention in the Americas. However, as the United States grew in power and interest in the early 20th century, President Theodore Roosevelt sought to strengthen this doctrine.

To understand the goal of Roosevelt's Corollary, it is important to understand the Monroe Doctrine. To get a deeper understanding of the Monroe Doctrine and its historical context, you can consider researching the following aspects:

1. Origin and principles of the Monroe Doctrine: Research the circumstances that led to the formulation of the Monroe Doctrine, such as the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars and European colonization efforts in the Americas.

2. Significance and impact of the Monroe Doctrine: Explore how the Monroe Doctrine shaped U.S. foreign policy and its influence on the Americas, including preventing further European colonization and intervention.

Once you have a grasp of the Monroe Doctrine, you can then examine Roosevelt's Corollary:

1. Background and context: Look into the reasons why Roosevelt felt the need to establish his Corollary, such as the increasing economic involvement of European powers in Latin America and the growing threat to U.S. interests in the region.

2. Key provisions and goals: Study the specific provisions and goals of Roosevelt's Corollary, which aimed to give the United States the right to intervene in Latin American countries to maintain stability, protect investments, and prevent European interference.

By researching these historical aspects, you will gain a better understanding of the goal behind Roosevelt's Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine and its significance in shaping U.S. foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere.