what is the square root of -1


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The square root of -1 is an extension to the real numbers, so that every degree-n polynomial has exactly n roots. It is written as i.

So, √-16 = √(16* -1) = √16√-1 = 4i

It has no "value" that you can assign a number to. It is not a number as normally considered.

Remember the quadratic formula? You might come up with a situation where there are no roots. That is, for no real value of x is y=0. As in y = x^2 + 4

However, if you allow complex numbers, of the form a+bi where a and b are real, then a quadratic always has exactly two roots.

The square root of -1 is denoted by the imaginary unit, which is represented by the symbol "i." In mathematics, the imaginary unit is defined as the square root of -1. It does not have a real value because there is no real number whose square equals -1.

To calculate the value of the square root of -1 using a calculator, follow these steps:

1. Turn on your calculator and make sure it is set to work with complex numbers.
2. Look for the square root symbol (√) or the sqrt function on your calculator. It is usually located near the number buttons.
3. Enter -1 into the calculator.
4. Press the square root button (√) or the sqrt function. The calculator will compute the square root of -1.
5. The result should be "i," indicating that the square root of -1 is the imaginary unit.

It's important to note that the concept of the imaginary unit is extensively used in complex number arithmetic, electrical engineering, quantum mechanics, and other fields of mathematics and science.