• Write a 700- to 1,050-word essay in which you answer the following questions:

1. What distinguishes African American Muslims from other practicing Muslims in the United States?

2. How has the immigration of Muslims and Arabs been influenced by the governmental policies of the United States?

3. What would you identify as the four most important differences between being a Christian in the United States and being a Muslim in this country?

4. What are some characteristics associated with Muslim and Arab Americans that come to be viewed as negatives, but when practiced by Christian Whites are seen as positives?

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To answer these questions and write an essay, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting research on the topic of African American Muslims in the United States. Look for credible sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Understand the basics of Islam and its practices to identify the specific aspects that distinguish African American Muslims from other practicing Muslims. Take notes on the key points and evidence that support your response.

2. Similarly, research the historical context of Muslim and Arab immigration to the United States, along with the governmental policies that have influenced it. Look for sources that discuss policies such as the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, the impact of national security concerns after 9/11, and any other relevant legislation. Take notes on the main points and examples that illustrate the influence of governmental policies on Muslim and Arab immigration.

3. To identify the four most important differences between being a Christian and being a Muslim in the United States, start by understanding the core beliefs and practices of each religion. Look for sources that explain the fundamental doctrines and customs of Christianity and Islam. Then, compare and contrast these beliefs and practices, focusing on areas such as the concept of God, religious rituals, religious texts, religious authority, and moral teachings. After analyzing the differences, select the four most significant ones and provide explanations and examples for each.

4. Research the stereotypes and biases associated with Muslim and Arab Americans, as well as with Christian Whites. Study the historical, cultural, and social contexts that have influenced these views. Look for examples of characteristics or behaviors that are seen as negatives when attributed to Muslim and Arab Americans but are seen as positives when practiced by Christian Whites. Take note of these characteristics and find evidence and examples to support your response.

Once you have completed your research, organize your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Use the information and evidence you gathered to answer each question thoroughly and coherently. Remember to cite your sources properly and maintain an objective and impartial tone throughout your essay.