which state usually has the coldest year round weather and why: Tennessee, Oregon, Arizona, Georgia? My answer is Oregon. Why? Because it is farther North than Tennessee, Arizona, and Georgia. Am I right?


I think it is Oregon because it is farther North

Thanks 4 the help!

no its arizonia

Yes, you are correct. Oregon generally has the coldest year-round weather compared to Tennessee, Arizona, and Georgia. The primary reason for this is its location, particularly its proximity to higher latitudes. Being at a higher latitude, Oregon is closer to the Earth's North Pole, where temperatures tend to be colder. In contrast, Tennessee, Arizona, and Georgia are located at lower latitudes, closer to the equator, where temperatures are generally milder or warmer. Keep in mind that weather patterns can vary, and there might be specific years or seasons when other factors come into play, resulting in temporary deviations from the general pattern.