Calculate your Kinetic Energy in Joules if you weigh50 kg and you are walking 2 meters/second.

This is what I did:
KE is Ek=1/2mv^2
So it would be Ek=1/2(50kg) x 2m/s
Then I convert kg to pounds. There are .454kg in 1 lb so 50(.454)=22.7lbs
Ek=1/2(22.7lbs)(2m/s) = 22.7
Then what?

To calculate the kinetic energy in joules, you need to convert the weight from pounds (lbs) back to kilograms (kg). It's important to note that the formula for kinetic energy does not involve pounds, but rather mass in kilograms.

Given that there are 0.454 kg in 1 lb, you can convert the weight of 22.7 lbs back to kg:

Weight in kg = 22.7 lbs × (0.454 kg/1 lb)

Weight in kg = 10.31 kg (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, you can substitute the mass (10.31 kg) and velocity (2 m/s) into the formula for kinetic energy:

Kinetic Energy (Ek) = 1/2 × mass × velocity^2
= 1/2 × 10.31 kg × (2 m/s)^2
= 1/2 × 10.31 kg × 4 m^2/s^2
= 41.24 J (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, your kinetic energy would be approximately 41.24 joules.