Ok today during social studies I got this mini progress report (it's a overview on what grade I have right now before they send our real progress report which they may send this week or next week) and like I just want to know what GPA i got.

Here it is & other classes

English - 98.33
Math - 93.00
Social Studies - 96.66

I'm going to find out my GPA for my other classes. When I mean GPA like I mean like did I got 4.0 or 3.2.

Thank You
Ps: Are these are very good grades?

You're doing very well, Laruen.

98.33 + 93.0 + 96.66 = 287.99

287.99 / 3 = 95.9966667

Your average for these three classes is 96%, which is a GPA of 3.84.

Does / means that you divide it ?

3.84 is that good ? or it's over 4.0 and that VERY good ?????

Yes. / means to divide.

Your GPA depends upon how your school figures it. If you have all A's then your GPA is 4.0.


Thank You
I ask my music teacher & sci teacher about my average of sci & music they said that they don't know yet they have have to check. They are mailing today or tommrrow idk but thanks anyway.

You see in my school's handbook it says in order to be in the honor roll or principal list you have to have....

Honor Roll - 89.5%
Pricipal List - 94.5%

and for my GPA how did you got a 3.84 ???

To calculate your GPA, you'll need to assign point values to each of your grades and then divide the total points by the total number of classes.

The most common grading scale used for calculating GPA is as follows:

- A: 4.0 points
- B: 3.0 points
- C: 2.0 points
- D: 1.0 point
- F: 0 points

Let's calculate your GPA for the classes you've provided:

English: 98.33 is an A grade, which is 4.0 points.
Math: 93.00 is an A grade as well, which is also 4.0 points.
Social Studies: 96.66 is an A grade, so it's worth 4.0 points.

To calculate your GPA, you'll add up the points for each class and divide by the total number of classes. In this case, you have 3 classes.

4.0 + 4.0 + 4.0 = 12.0 total points
12.0 / 3 = 4.0 GPA

Based on the grading scale above, a 4.0 GPA is considered excellent. So yes, these are very good grades!

Please keep in mind that grading scales can vary among different schools. If your school uses a different grading scale, you would need to adjust the point values accordingly. It's always best to double-check with your teacher or school administration to ensure you're using the correct scale for calculating your GPA.