A vector representing 140 N is oriented at 42◦ with the horizontal.

What is the magnitude of its horizontal

140 cos42

To find the magnitude of the horizontal component of a vector, you can use trigonometry. In this case, we have a vector of 140 N that is oriented at 42 degrees with the horizontal.

The horizontal component can be found using the cosine function. The formula for finding the horizontal component (Fx) is:

Fx = F * cosθ

where F is the magnitude of the vector and θ is the angle it makes with the horizontal.

In this case, F = 140 N and θ = 42 degrees. Plugging these values into the formula:

Fx = 140 N * cos(42 degrees)

Now, we can calculate the value:

Fx = 140 N * cos(42 degrees) ≈ 106.83 N

Therefore, the magnitude of the horizontal component of the vector is approximately 106.83 N.