What are the steps to solve this problem?



-11 + 10x + 100 = 4 - 10x - 55

10x + 10x = 4 + 11 - 100 - 55

20x = 15 - 155

20x = -140

x = -140/20

x = -7

To solve the equation -11 + 10(x + 10) = 4 - 5(2x + 11), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the terms inside the parentheses:

-11 + 10x + 100 = 4 - 10x - 55

Step 2: Combine like terms on each side:

10x + 89 = -10x - 51

Step 3: Add 10x to both sides to eliminate the variable:

10x + 10x + 89 = -10x + 10x - 51

20x + 89 = -51

Step 4: Move the constant term to the other side by subtracting 89 from both sides:

20x + 89 - 89 = -51 - 89

20x = -140

Step 5: Divide both sides by 20 to solve for x:

(20x) / 20 = (-140) / 20

x = -7

Step 6: Substitute the value of x back into the original equation to check if it's correct:

-11 + 10(-7 + 10) = 4 - 5(2(-7) + 11)

-11 + 10(3) = 4 - 5(-14 + 11)

-11 + 30 = 4 - 5(-3)

19 = 19

Both sides of the equation are equal, which confirms that x = -7 is the correct solution.

To solve the given problem -11+10(x+10)=4-5(2x+11), we need to follow the following steps:

Step 1: Distribute the multiplication

-11 + 10x + 100 = 4 - 10x - 55

Step 2: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation

10x + 89 = -10x - 51

Step 3: Move all the terms containing the variable (x) to one side of the equation and the constant terms to the other side by adding or subtracting.

10x + 10x = -51 - 89

20x = -140

Step 4: Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by the coefficient of x.

x = -140/20

Step 5: Simplify the result.

x = -7

Therefore, the solution to the equation -11+10(x+10)=4-5(2x+11) is x = -7.