The observational learning approach states that stereotypes and prejudices are acquired through what?

a)repressing of wants and needs excessively
B)experiencing maturation of innate ideas
C)watching and imitating a model’s behavior
D)pairing conditioned and unconditioned stimuli

Yes. C is correct.

thank you:)))

You're welcome.

Yes, option C is the correct answer. The observational learning approach states that stereotypes and prejudices are acquired through watching and imitating a model's behavior. This means that individuals learn stereotypes and prejudices by observing the behavior of others, such as family members, peers, or media figures, and then imitating their actions and attitudes.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A, B, and D by understanding their definitions and determining how they relate to stereotypes and prejudices. Option A, repressing of wants and needs excessively, does not directly address the acquisition of stereotypes and prejudices. Option B, experiencing maturation of innate ideas, suggests that stereotypes and prejudices are already present within an individual, which contradicts the idea that they are learned through observation. Option D, pairing conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, is more relevant to classical conditioning and is not directly related to the acquisition of stereotypes and prejudices.

By process of elimination, option C remains the most appropriate answer, as it aligns with the concept of observing and modeling behavior in the acquisition of stereotypes and prejudices.