If jan drove 7 hrs. at 72 miles per hr.

and drove 4 hrs. at 68 miles per hr. How many hrs she drive for last 3 hrs.

Ummm, 3?


To find out how many hours Jan drove for the last 3 hours, you need to determine the total time she has already driven and subtract it from the given total driving time.

Given information:
Jan drove for 7 hours at 72 miles per hour.
Jan also drove for 4 hours at 68 miles per hour.

To find the total time Jan has already driven, you can add the two given time intervals:
7 hours + 4 hours = 11 hours

Now, subtract the total time Jan already drove (11 hours) from the total driving time (which is a missing value):
Total driving time - Total time Jan already drove = Last 3 hours

Therefore, to find how many hours Jan drove for the last 3 hours, subtract the total time Jan already drove (11 hours) from the total driving time:

Total driving time - Total time Jan already drove = Last 3 hours

If you have the value for the "total driving time," you can substitute it into the equation:

Total driving time - 11 hours = Last 3 hours

Solving for "Last 3 hours" will give you the answer to how many hours Jan drove for the last 3 hours.