If 1 is less than a number is divided by 5 less than twice the number the result is 21over39 wat is the number? plsssssssssss answer!

nnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong hahha noob

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Translate the problem into an equation.
"If 1 is less than a number is divided by 5 less than twice the number, the result is 21/39."

Let's say the number we're trying to find is denoted as "x." Now we can write the equation:
1 < (x / (2x - 5)) = 21/39.

Step 2: Simplify the equation.
Multiplying both sides of the equation by (2x - 5) will help eliminate the fraction.
(2x - 5) * 1 < (x / (2x - 5)) * (2x - 5) = (21/39) * (2x - 5).
2x - 5 < x = (21 / 39) * (2x - 5).

Step 3: Solve the equation.
Now we can solve the equation:
2x - 5 < x + (21 / 39)* (2x - 5).

To make things simpler, let's use decimal numbers for the fraction:
2x - 5 < x + (21 / 39)* (2x - 5)
2x - 5 < x + (7 / 13) * (2x - 5).

Multiplying the fractions:
2x - 5 < x + (14x - 35) / 13.

Now, we can simplify the equation:
26x - 65< 13x + 14x - 35.
26x - 65 < 27x - 35.

Step 4: Solve for x.
Subtract 26x from both sides of the equation:
-65 < x - 35.

Next, add 35 to both sides of the equation:
-65 + 35 < x.
-30 < x.

So, the number x is greater than -30.

Therefore, the solution to the problem is that the number must be greater than -30.

(n-1)/(2n-5) = 21/39

39(n-1) = 21(2n-5)
39n-39 = 42n - 105
3n = 66

(n-1)/(2n-5) = 21/39