NaCl is soluble in water, but I2 is not. Explain

In Sodium Chloride, the Sodium ion (Na+) and Chloride ion (Cl-) are combined by ionic forces, whereas in an Iodine Molecule, two Iodine atoms are combined by covalent bonds. Covalent bonds are always stronger than ionic bonds. So in water the weak bond (Ionic Bond) dissociates easily, and NaCl dissolves readily compared to Iodine.

I like the answer "like dissolves like." NaCl is a polar molecule and dissolve in a polar solvent. I2 is a non-polar compound and does not dissolve in a polar solvent (at least not appreciably).

NaCl is made up of charged ions, which can interact with the dipoles present in the water molecules.

I2 is held together by a covalant bond, neither atom is charged and they are not really attracted to water.

To understand why NaCl (sodium chloride) is soluble in water, but I2 (iodine) is not, we need to look at the nature of the solute and solvent.

NaCl is an ionic compound composed of sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl-). When NaCl dissolves in water, the water molecules surround and separate the individual ions. The positive end of the water molecules (hydrogen) attracts the negatively charged chloride ions, while the negative end of the water molecules (oxygen) attracts the positively charged sodium ions. This process is known as hydration or solvation. The water molecules effectively surround and stabilize the ions, allowing NaCl to dissolve easily in water.

In contrast, I2 is a covalent molecule composed of two iodine atoms bound together by a shared pair of electrons. Covalent molecules like I2 tend to be insoluble in water because their bonds are not easily broken by the polar nature of water molecules. The attraction between the iodine atoms is stronger than the attraction between iodine and water molecules. Hence, I2 does not dissolve readily in water and forms a suspension or a separate layer.

So, the key difference between NaCl and I2 solubility in water lies in the nature of their chemical bonding. NaCl's ionic bonds allow it to easily dissociate into ions when in contact with water, while the covalent bonds in I2 are more resistant to water's polar nature, preventing it from dissolving easily.