5. Business B pledged $20 million less

than twice the amount pledged by
Business A. Business C pledged $200
million less than twice the amount
pledged by Business B. If x represents
the amount pledged by the Business A,
write expressions to show the amounts
pledged by Business B and Business C
in terms of x.

b. The combined pledges of Business A,
Business B, and Business C totaled
$1035 million. Write an equation that
can be used to determine how much
each business pledged.

(I have no idea how to do this problem)

business A --- x , x in millions

business B --- 2x - 200
business C --- 2B - 200 = 2(2x-200) - 200

x + 2x-200 + 2(2x-200) - 200 = 1035

x +2x- 200 + 4x - 400 -200 = 1035
7x = 1835
x = 262.143 million

A pledged 262.143 million
B pledged 324.286 million
C pledged 448.571 million

262.143+324.286+448.571 = 1035

Thank you so much!

mike, no one cares😃

business A=x

business B=2x-20
business C=2x-20+2(2x-20)-200
Bus. A pledged $185 million
Bus. B pledged 185x2=370-20=350 million
Bus. C pledged 350x2=700-200=500million
185+350+500= $1035 million

I am Mike


To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

1. Let's first write expressions to represent the amount pledged by Business B and Business C in terms of x, where x represents the amount pledged by Business A.

Business B pledged $20 million less than twice the amount pledged by Business A.

So, the amount pledged by Business B can be written as: 2x - $20 million.

Business C pledged $200 million less than twice the amount pledged by Business B.

So, the amount pledged by Business C can be written as: 2(2x - $20 million) - $200 million.

2. Now, let's write an equation to represent the combined pledges of all three businesses.

The combined pledges of Business A, Business B, and Business C totaled $1035 million.

So, the equation can be written as: amount pledged by Business A (x) + amount pledged by Business B (2x - $20 million) + amount pledged by Business C (2(2x - $20 million) - $200 million) = $1035 million.

Simplifying the equation:
x + 2x - $20 million + 4x - $40 million - $200 million = $1035 million.

Combining like terms:
7x - $260 million = $1035 million.

3. To determine how much each business pledged, we need to solve the equation for x.

7x - $260 million = $1035 million.

Adding $260 million to both sides:
7x = $1035 million + $260 million.


7x = $1295 million.

Dividing both sides by 7:
x = $1295 million / 7.

So, the amount pledged by Business A (x) is $185 million.

To find the amount pledged by Business B and Business C, substitute this value of x into the expressions we found earlier:

Amount pledged by Business B = 2x - $20 million
= 2($185 million) - $20 million
= $370 million - $20 million
= $350 million.

Amount pledged by Business C = 2(2x - $20 million) - $200 million
= 2(2($185 million) - $20 million) - $200 million
= 2($370 million - $20 million) - $200 million
= 2($350 million) - $200 million
= $700 million - $200 million
= $500 million.

Therefore, Business A pledged $185 million, Business B pledged $350 million, and Business C pledged $500 million.