Here is the other. Thank you!

A kite 100 ft above the ground moves horizontally at a speed of 8 ft/s. At what rate is the angle between the string and the horizontal decreasing when 200 ft of string has been let out?

The angle A = tan^-1 (y/x)

L is the string length
y is the kite height
x = sqrt(L^2 - y^2) = 173.2 ft when L = 200 ft

dA/dt = (dA/dx)*(dx/dt) (y is constant)
dx/dt = 8 ft/s
All you need is the dA/dx derivative, treating y as constant.

To find the rate at which the angle between the string and the horizontal is decreasing, we need to use trigonometry and related rates.

Let's define some variables:
- Let h represent the height of the kite above the ground (100 ft in this case).
- Let x represent the horizontal distance that the kite has moved (this is what we want to find).
- Let θ represent the angle between the string and the horizontal (the angle we want to find the rate of change for).
- Let s represent the length of the string that has been let out (200 ft in this case).

We are given that the height is constant at 100 ft and the horizontal speed is 8 ft/s. Therefore, the rate of change of x is the same as the horizontal speed, and dx/dt = 8 ft/s.

Using trigonometry, we can relate the variables h, x, and θ:
tan(θ) = h / x

To differentiate this equation implicitly with respect to time t, we get:
sec^2(θ) * dθ/dt = (dh/dt * x - h * dx/dt) / x^2

Since dh/dt is zero (the height is constant), we can simplify the equation to:
sec^2(θ) * dθ/dt = - h * dx/dt / x^2

We are given that h = 100 ft and dx/dt = 8 ft/s. We need to find dθ/dt when s = 200 ft, which means x = 200 ft.

Plugging in the known values, we have:
sec^2(θ) * dθ/dt = - (100 ft) * (8 ft/s) / (200 ft)^2

To find dθ/dt, we can solve for it by rearranging the equation:
dθ/dt = - (100 ft) * (8 ft/s) / (200 ft)^2 * 1 / sec^2(θ)

Since we want to find dθ/dt when s = 200 ft, we need to find θ when s = 200 ft. Using the triangle formed by the string, the height, and the horizontal distance, we can find θ using the tangent function:
tan(θ) = h / x
tan(θ) = 100 ft / 200 ft
θ = tan^(-1)(0.5)

Now that we have the value of θ, we can substitute it into the equation for dθ/dt:
dθ/dt = - (100 ft) * (8 ft/s) / (200 ft)^2 * 1 / sec^2(tan^(-1)(0.5))

Evaluating this expression will give us the rate at which the angle between the string and the horizontal is decreasing.