18th century france propose some reasons why women were unable to keep leadership positions during the reign of terror and its aftermath. HELP I NEED IT BY TOMORROW!!!

They weren't capable of leading.

They belonged at home.
They were influenced by their fathers, brothers, and husbands.

thank you !!!! :D

You're welcome. :-)

To understand why women were unable to keep leadership positions during the Reign of Terror and its aftermath in 18th century France, we need to consider the historical context and social dynamics of the time. Here are some key factors that influenced the exclusion of women from leadership roles during this period:

1. Social and Cultural Norms: In 18th century France, the prevailing social and cultural norms placed women in subordinate roles, limiting their access to education, property, and political influence. Women were largely expected to be wives, mothers, and homemakers, rather than leaders in the public sphere.

2. Legal Restrictions: French society at the time was governed by a patriarchal legal system that reinforced gender inequality. Laws and customs often favored men and restricted women's rights to hold property, inherit wealth, and engage in political activities. These legal barriers undermined women's ability to assume leadership roles.

3. Limited Educational Opportunities: Educational opportunities for women were limited during this period. Formal education was primarily accessible to upper-class men, which hindered women from acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to participate in leadership positions. The lack of education and training further disadvantaged women in pursuing leadership roles.

4. Revolutionary Ideals: The French Revolution aimed to promote the principles of "freedom, equality, and brotherhood." However, these ideals were often interpreted in a way that excluded women from participating in political decision-making. Revolutionary leaders often viewed women as subordinate to men and believed that their role should be confined to the private sphere.

5. Political Instability and Conflict: The Reign of Terror was a time of heightened political instability and conflict, characterized by radical change and violence. In such a turbulent period, men tended to dominate leadership positions as they were more likely to be involved in military activities or political organizations that fostered power.

It is important to note that women did play significant roles during the French Revolution, particularly in grassroots movements and social activism. However, they faced significant hurdles in formal political leadership due to systemic barriers and gender biases.

To learn more about this topic and support your research, I recommend accessing primary and secondary sources such as historical texts, academic articles, and online databases that provide insights into the political and social dynamics of 18th century France. Additionally, examining biographies and writings of prominent women during that period can provide valuable perspectives on their challenges and struggles in leadership roles.