Can you add figurative or tell me where I could add it, check my title, proofread, and help me show creativity?

Freedom Doesn’t Come Free
What is something you can never show much gratitude for? Well, veterans have done many things for our country. Freedom is a debt that can never be repaid that veterans have done for country.
One reason I said they fought for freedom was because they wanted everyone to be treated the same and fought for those rights. Even though it was hard, they tried and tried until some of those veterans couldn’t any more. Many people don’t even think twice about why we honor Veteran’s Day on November 11. Some people don’t feel the need to celebrate certain holidays, especially this one, if it doesn’t pertain to them. I think Veteran’s Day is a wonderful holiday to celebrate because many people lost their loved ones trying to help us. However, not many people care about veterans, but I do. Freedom symbolizes our country’s flag. Freedom is a mighty word that affects everyone who wants their rights to be recognized. I can surely recall the time I went on a field trip to Baton Rouge. We had gone inside this building and they were honoring Veterans on that day. They had many photos of excellent human beings that served us. Freedom is real and not a joke, people. It’s time to stop what you’re doing and say a few words to the living or deceased veterans and thank them. Veterans are someone we can’t stop showing faith and love too. We are going to make a difference too! “All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, merciful, and hope,” a quote once said by Winston Churchill. “My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died! Land of the Pilgrim's pride! From every mountain side, let freedom ring!” That’s the song that comes to mind when I hear the words veterans and patriots, because it captures vivid pictures of veterans fighting and protecting us. As you can see, veterans are what freedom is all about.
In conclusion, freedom is real because it’s a debt that can never be repaid by our veterans. Veterans don’t come around too much, so get to know about some of the veterans and thank them on this Veteran’s Day on November 11. What do you think?

Your sentiments are admirable. But your facts aren't all correct.

You say, "One reason I said they fought for freedom was because they wanted everyone to be treated the same and fought for those rights."

African-Americans and white Americans were segregated in the armed forces until after World War II. Filippinos could only serve as servants during WW II. Women had limited status and still are often harassed. And s and s have just within the last few weeks have been able to serve their country openly.

I suggest you let this essay sit for a day or two and try again.

Your title, "Freedom Doesn’t Come Free," effectively captures the theme of your writing and hints at the importance of veterans in ensuring our freedom. To add figurative language and enhance your title, you could consider using a metaphor or a simile. For example, you could say "Freedom is a precious jewel, delicately guarded by our veterans" or "Veterans, the guardians of freedom's flame."

To add creativity and make your writing more engaging, you can incorporate vivid descriptions, personal anecdotes, and evocative language. Here's an example that incorporates these elements:

"Freedom Doesn’t Come Free: The Priceless Legacy of Our Unyielding Veterans"

Within the vast tapestry of our nation's history, there are heroes who have shouldered the weight of preserving our liberty. Like mighty oaks standing tall against the harshest storms, veterans have committed themselves to a noble cause: ensuring that every citizen is treated with equal dignity. They fought, bled, and sacrificed, preserving the very essence of what it means to be free.

Though their valor often goes unnoticed, we must never forget the debt we owe these brave souls. Their unwavering dedication is a beacon, illuminating a path towards a world where justice and honor prevail. It was on a field trip to Baton Rouge, when I stood in awe before a solemn display of their photographs, that the weight of their sacrifices truly struck me. The flickering images captured their spirits, their humanity, and their love for a nation that has willingly called upon their courage.

Freedom, my friends, is not an abstract concept; it pulsates through the very veins of our beloved flag. It is a word of immense power, a force that echoes in the hearts of those who yearn for their rights to be acknowledged. We must pause, amidst the cacophony of our lives, and offer heartfelt gratitude to both the living and the departed veterans. Their unwavering faith and love for this great land inspire us to be agents of change, warriors for a brighter future.

In the words of the great Winston Churchill, "All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, merciful, and hope." As we stand beneath the sky's vast expanse, let those words resonate within us, reminding us that the struggles faced by our veterans are not mere anecdotes lost to history. They are sacred chapters woven into the very fabric of our nation's existence.

On this approaching Veteran's Day, let us embark on a journey of knowledge, embracing the stories of these courageous men and women. Let us ponder the immeasurable sacrifices they made to gift us the privilege of freedom. For it is only through understanding, remembrance, and gratitude that we can truly honor their legacy.

In conclusion, my friends, let us remember that freedom, that ethereal gift we cherish, is an eternal debt owed to our veterans. On November 11th, let us come together, not only to celebrate the heroes that walk amongst us but to carry their torch bravely forward. The testament we leave behind will be etched into the annals of time, reaffirming that their sacrifices were not in vain. Freedom doesn't come free, but with unwavering gratitude, it becomes an infinite flame that forever illuminates our nation's soul.