I am writing a paper on a farewell to Arms can someone help me find sources on characterization or realism that are found within the novel?

Of course! When it comes to finding sources on characterization or realism in the novel "A Farewell to Arms," here's a step-by-step guide on how to navigate your research:

1. Start with your school/library resources: Begin by exploring your school's library database or online catalog. Search for the keywords "A Farewell to Arms" and filter the results to include books, articles, and journals related to the novel.

2. Utilize scholarly databases: Online databases such as JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, and ProQuest are excellent resources for locating academic articles. Search for specific keywords like "characterization" or "realism" along with "A Farewell to Arms."

3. Narrow down your search terms: To achieve more specific results, add terms like "Hemingway," "narrative technique," "character development," or "realistic portrayal" to your search queries. This will help narrow down the focus of your search and increase the relevance of your findings.

4. Look for literary criticism: Look for journals or critical essays specifically analyzing Hemingway's novel. Some renowned literary journals include "The Hemingway Review," "American Literature," and "The Journal of Narrative Technique." Access these journals either through your institution's subscriptions or by searching for them individually.

5. Consider books on Hemingway or literary analysis: Expand your search by looking for books that discuss Ernest Hemingway's writing style or the themes of his works. Some notable books include "Hemingway's Farewell to Arms: The Novel as Unpublished Work in Progress" by Mark Cirino and "A Historical Guide to Ernest Hemingway" edited by Linda Wagner-Martin.

6. Pay attention to book reviews: Book reviews are an excellent source of critical analysis. Search for book reviews of "A Farewell to Arms" that specifically discuss characterization and realism. Platforms like The New York Times, The Guardian, or academic databases often have comprehensive book review databases. Make sure to check the date to ensure you're accessing recent critiques.

7. Consult scholarly journals and articles: After obtaining relevant sources, search within those articles for mentions of specific aspects of characterization or realism. Look for quotes, examples, or references to help support your paper's arguments.

Remember to always assess the credibility and legitimacy of your selected sources. Peer-reviewed journals, academic publishers, and reputable literary critics are usually reliable sources. Additionally, cross-referencing information from multiple sources will enhance the reliability and depth of your research.

Good luck with your paper on "A Farewell to Arms"!