Supply-side economics, during President Reagan’s administration, involved

a. the supply component of the supply-demand equation.

b. stressing the importance of tax cuts for businesses.

c. stressing the importance of tax
cuts for the wealthy.

d. an increase in the size of the national debt.

e. All these answers are correct.

I say D is correct, but then it seems like so is A and B

Aren't they all correct?

Could be, but why would Reagan want to cut taxes for the wealthy?

It's the wealthiest people who contribute to politicians' campaign. They give far, far more than the middle class. Think about the current argument about the Democrats wanting to stop tax cuts for the rich, while Republicans want to continue these tax cuts. Wealthy people are more likely to vote Republican than Democrat.


They thought cutting taxes from the wealthy and the poor would both decrease the power of the government. Thank you Ms. Sue.

You are correct that option D, "an increase in the size of the national debt," is one aspect of supply-side economics during President Reagan's administration. However, you are also correct that options A, "the supply component of the supply-demand equation," and B, "stressing the importance of tax cuts for businesses," are also part of supply-side economics.

Supply-side economics focuses on policies aimed at increasing the production and supply of goods and services. It emphasizes that by reducing taxation and regulations on businesses, it will incentivize investment, productivity, and economic growth. The idea is that by promoting a business-friendly environment, businesses will have more resources and incentives to expand their operations, create jobs, and stimulate overall economic activity.

Tax cuts for businesses, as mentioned in option B, are indeed a key element of supply-side economics. By reducing the tax burden on businesses, it is believed that they will have greater financial resources to invest, expand production, and hire more employees, ultimately leading to economic growth.

Option A, "the supply component of the supply-demand equation," is also valid. Supply-side economics emphasizes the importance of focusing on the supply side of the economy, as opposed to demand-side economics, which focuses on stimulating demand through increased government spending. Supply-side policies aim to boost the production and supply of goods and services, which is an essential component of the overall economic equilibrium, where supply meets demand.

Regarding option C, "stressing the importance of tax cuts for the wealthy," while it is often associated with supply-side economics, it is not the only aspect of it. Supply-side economics generally advocates for broad-based tax cuts, including for businesses and individuals across various income levels, with the belief that it will benefit the overall economy. However, during President Reagan's administration, tax cuts were indeed implemented, and they did benefit the wealthy to a greater extent, leading to criticism that supply-side economics disproportionately benefits the wealthy.

Thus, considering all the factors, option E, "All these answers are correct," is the most accurate answer.