Cheri's time in the bobsled race was 1 min, 38.29 sec. What is the word form and the value of the 9 in Cheri's time?

the 9 is nine hundredths of a second.

one minute, thirty-eight seconds, and twenty-nine hundreths of a second

It's nine hundredths of a second.

To determine the word form and value of the 9 in Cheri's time, we can break down the given time: 1 min, 38.29 sec.

The word form of the number 9 in this time is "ninety." It represents the number of seconds in the decimal part of the time.

To find the value of the 9 in Cheri's time, we look at its position based on the place value system.

The 9 is in the hundredths place, which means its value is 9/100 or 0.09.

So, the word form of the 9 is "ninety," and its value is 0.09.