I'm helping out my sister with her english homework and I am confused on what to do.

Underline the independent clauses once and the dependent clauses twice. Circle the phrases.

Our football team is proud because the team is undefeated.

The part that i don't understand is the Circle the phrases part.

The only phrase is the verb phrase: is undefeated.

I need help to do adverbs please come and help me on this please anybody.

To understand the instruction "Circle the phrases" in your sister's English homework, it's important to know what a phrase is. In grammar, a phrase is a group of words that work together to express a single idea, but it does not contain a subject and a verb. Phrases function as nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs.

In the given sentence, "Our football team is proud because the team is undefeated," we can identify different phrases:

1. "Our football team" is a noun phrase, as it functions as the subject of the sentence.
2. "is proud" is a verb phrase, as it functions as the predicate of the sentence.
3. "because the team" is a prepositional phrase, as it starts with the preposition "because" and functions as an adverb modifying the verb phrase "is proud."
4. "is undefeated" is another verb phrase, as it functions as a predicate adjective modifying the noun phrase "the team."

To follow the instruction "Circle the phrases," you would need to identify and encircle these four phrases within the sentence. This will help you visually highlight and understand the different parts of the sentence that function as phrases.

By following these steps and identifying the different phrases, you can successfully complete this section of the homework.