how can estimating help you add two- digit numbers?

Estimating can help you add two-digit numbers by providing a rough approximation of the sum. Here's how you can use estimation to add two-digit numbers:

1. Identify the two-digit numbers you want to add. For example, let's say you want to add 47 and 56.

2. Round each two-digit number to the nearest tens place. In this case, 47 rounds to 50, and 56 rounds to 60. You can do this by considering the ones place and deciding whether to round up or down based on whether the digit is closer to 0 or 10.

3. Add the rounded numbers together. In our example, 50 + 60 = 110.

By rounding the numbers, you get an approximation of the sum. In this case, the estimated sum is 110. While this may not be the exact answer, it can serve as a useful approximation when you need a quick estimate or a rough idea of the result.

If you want the exact answer, you can then calculate the sum using the actual two-digit numbers. In our example, 47 + 56 = 103.