Which of the following would be classified as an informative or positive message?

a) A request for information
b) An announcement of a policy that reduces benefits
c) A memo for the file recording actions and rationales
d) A letter to an employer announcing you have accepted another offer

I'll be glad to comment on your answer.

I don't know what that is.

An informative message is one that tells someone something they didn't know before. A positive message is one that is good either for the sender or the recipient.

Reducing benefits is certainly NOT positive. What are you thinking?

To determine which of the options would be classified as an informative or positive message, we can analyze each option individually.

a) A request for information: This option can be classified as an informative message, as it seeks to obtain information from someone.

b) An announcement of a policy that reduces benefits: This option would not be classified as an informative or positive message. Instead, it would likely be categorized as a negative message since it delivers unwelcome news.

c) A memo for the file recording actions and rationales: This option can be considered an informative message. It involves documenting actions and rationales for future reference or record-keeping purposes.

d) A letter to an employer announcing you have accepted another offer: This option can be classified as a positive message, as it conveys the news that you have accepted another job offer. However, it may also be classified as informative since it shares important information with your employer.

So, out of the given options, options a) and c) can be classified as informative messages, while option d) can be classified as a positive and informative message. Option b) is not an informative or positive message but rather a negative message.