Over the last century, has music changed from being about artistic expression to being more about money and business? Is it even possible for a band or artist to make topical or political commentary in a song today while focusing on turning a profit?

Determining whether music has changed from being solely about artistic expression to being more about money and business over the last century requires analyzing historical and contemporary trends. Additionally, examining the dynamics between artistic expression, commercial success, and the ability to make topical or political commentary in today's music industry is essential.

To get a comprehensive understanding of this topic, one can follow these steps:

1. Research the historical context: Begin by exploring the historical evolution of the music industry over the last century. Analyze how the advent of technology, such as recordings, radio, and the internet, impacted the relationship between artistry and commercialization.

2. Study changing trends and genres: Examine how musical trends and genres have shifted over time and how this has influenced artistic expression and commercialization. For example, genres like punk, hip-hop, and folk have often featured political or topical commentary, while others focus more on commercial appeal.

3. Analyze the influence of the record industry: Understand the role of record labels, marketing, and distribution in shaping the music industry's commercial landscape. Investigate how these factors have affected the ability of artists to express their message while pursuing financial success.

4. Consider financial motivations: Explore how artists' financial motivations have evolved over time and the impact this has had on their ability to make topical or political commentary. Research the resilience and success of artists who have managed to balance commercial viability with artistic expression.

5. Study examples of contemporary artists: Look into current artists who have successfully made topical or political commentary in their music while also attaining commercial success. Analyze their strategies, the platforms they use, and the audiences they reach.

6. Consider the impact of social media and streaming platforms: Investigate how the rise of social media and streaming platforms has affected the music industry. Assess whether these platforms provide more opportunities for artists to express their views while turning a profit.

By following these steps, one can gain a deeper understanding of the historical changes in the music industry, the relationship between artistic expression and commercialization, and the feasibility of making topical or political commentary while focusing on turning a profit today.