Who drafted the Virginia Resolutions in 1765, which stated that colonists

could be taxed only by their own assemblies.
Answer George Washington
John Dickinson
Patrick Henry
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison


The correct answer is Patrick Henry. Patrick Henry drafted the Virginia Resolutions in 1765, which stated that colonists could be taxed only by their own assemblies.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by understanding the context of the Virginia Resolutions. In 1765, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which imposed direct taxes on the American colonies. This led to significant unrest and resistance among the colonists.

Next, you can research the key figures of the time who were engaged in the American colonial resistance movement. The options given are George Washington, John Dickinson, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison.

By examining the political activities and positions of these individuals, you will discover that Patrick Henry was a prominent figure in the American Revolution and a leading advocate for colonial rights. He famously said "Give me liberty or give me death" and played a crucial role in shaping public opinion against British taxation.

Therefore, based on your knowledge of Patrick Henry's involvement in the American Revolution and his strong support for colonial self-governance, you can identify him as the person who drafted the Virginia Resolutions in 1765.