The appearance of a document can do all of the following except:

a. establish rapport with the audience.
b. guide your readers' attention.
c. substitute for the written text in the document.
d. build goodwill

Your answer?

I disagree.

Your guesses aren't helping you. What does your text say?

Ahh -- at last. Yes -- C is correct.

Why did it take you three guesses to find the right answer out of four?

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to review each option.

a. Establish rapport with the audience.
The appearance of a document can indeed help establish rapport with the audience. By using visually appealing layouts, appropriate fonts and colors, and engaging graphics, you can create a positive impression and resonate with the readers. Therefore, this option is a valid function of document appearance.

b. Guide your readers' attention.
Document appearance can play a crucial role in directing the readers' attention. By utilizing headings, subheadings, bullet points, and other formatting techniques, you can guide readers to essential information, highlight key points, and improve overall readability. Thus, this option is a valid function of document appearance.

c. Substitute for the written text in the document.
The appearance of a document cannot substitute for the written text. While visual elements can enhance communication and make the content more accessible, they cannot replace the actual words and information conveyed in the written text. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

d. Build goodwill.
Document appearance can indeed contribute to building goodwill. A well-designed and professional-looking document reflects positively on the author or organization, demonstrating attention to detail and a commitment to quality. It can create a favorable impression, establish credibility, and potentially enhance relationships between the author and the audience. Therefore, this option is also a valid function of document appearance.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is:

c. Substitute for the written text in the document.