Which of the following best describes the overall function of hormones?

A. To control physiological processes in the body
B. To provide a pathway for nerve messages
C. To stimulate the growth and maturation of body organs
D. To determine masculine or feminine reproductive traits

I search my textbook...cant seem to find the answer that i need. Will appretiate any help you can provide. Thanks.

A. Hormones control things to the extent of the speed of metabolism, levels of sugar in the bloodstream, etc. Although D is also true, it is not the best description.

I believe the answer is A.

To find the answer to your question, we can break it down and analyze each option:

A. To control physiological processes in the body: This option suggests that hormones are involved in controlling various bodily functions. Hormones do play a crucial role in regulating and controlling physiological processes in the body, such as metabolism, growth, development, reproduction, and mood. This option could be a possible answer.

B. To provide a pathway for nerve messages: This option describes the function of nerves, not hormones. Hormones and nerves are two separate systems in the body that serve different functions. Therefore, this option is not the best description of hormones.

C. To stimulate the growth and maturation of body organs: This option suggests that hormones are responsible for the growth and maturation of body organs. While hormones do play a role in the development and maturation of certain organs, such as the reproductive organs, it is not their overall function. Thus, this option is not the best description of hormones.

D. To determine masculine or feminine reproductive traits: This option suggests that hormones determine the reproductive traits specific to males or females. While hormones do indeed have a significant impact on the expression of masculine or feminine traits, it is not their overall function. Therefore, this option is not the best description of hormones either.

Based on this analysis, option A, "To control physiological processes in the body," appears to be the best description of the overall function of hormones.