17. In the Mass in Motion lab, you rolled a ball down a ramp to see how far it moved a cup. What did this experiment demonstrate? (Points : 3)

An object´s momentum increases with velocity.

An object´s momentum decreases with velocity.

An object´s mass increases velocity.

I think ~ An object´s mass decreases velocity.

Am I right please help


In the Mass in Motion lab, the experiment involved rolling a ball down a ramp to see how far it moved a cup. By understanding the concept of momentum, we can analyze the experiment and the relationship between velocity and momentum.

First, let's define momentum. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. It is a measure of how difficult it is to stop the object from moving.

Now, let's break down each option provided and see which one aligns with the experiment:

1. An object's momentum increases with velocity: This statement is correct. According to the definition, momentum is directly proportional to velocity. As velocity increases, momentum also increases. Therefore, this option aligns with the observation from the experiment.

2. An object's momentum decreases with velocity: This statement is incorrect. The opposite is true - as velocity increases, momentum also increases. So, this option does not align with the observation from the experiment.

3. An object's mass increases velocity: This statement is incorrect. Mass does not directly affect velocity. Velocity depends on other factors such as force and acceleration. So, this option does not align with the observation from the experiment.

4. An object's mass decreases velocity: This statement is incorrect. Mass does not directly affect velocity. Velocity depends on other factors such as force and acceleration. So, this option does not align with the observation from the experiment.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is: "An object's momentum increases with velocity." This statement aligns with the observation from the Mass in Motion lab, where the ball rolling down the ramp gained velocity and consequently increased its momentum as it moved the cup.

No, you are not right. The correct answer is: An object's momentum increases with velocity.

In the Mass in Motion lab, when you roll a ball down a ramp, the ball gains momentum as it accelerates down the ramp. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. Therefore, when the velocity of the ball increases, its momentum also increases. So, the experiment demonstrates that an object's momentum increases with velocity.