Concentrations of Cs-137 reached 29KBq/kg in reindeer meat after the 1986 Chernobyl accident.

How many grams and picograms of Cs-137 were initially found in 1kg of meat in 1986?

To find the initial grams and picograms of Cs-137 in 1kg of meat in 1986, we need to convert the given concentration from kilobecquerels per kilogram (KBq/kg) to grams and picograms.

First, let's convert the concentration from KBq/kg to Bq/kg by multiplying by 1000:

29 KBq/kg * 1000 = 29,000 Bq/kg

Next, we need to convert the activity from Bq to grams using the half-life of Cs-137, which is approximately 30 years or 9.4608 x 10^8 seconds. The conversion is based on the specific activity of Cs-137, which is 3.215 x 10^-12 g/Bq.

The formula to convert from Bq to grams is:
Activity (in Bq) * Specific Activity (in g/Bq) = Mass (in grams)

Let's plug in the values:
29,000 Bq/kg * 3.215 x 10^-12 g/Bq = 9.34 x 10^-8 grams

Therefore, there were approximately 9.34 x 10^-8 grams of Cs-137 initially found in 1kg of meat in 1986.

To convert grams to picograms, we multiply by 10^12 since there are 10^12 picograms in a gram:

9.34 x 10^-8 grams * 10^12 = 9.34 x 10^4 picograms

Therefore, there were approximately 9.34 x 10^4 picograms of Cs-137 initially found in 1kg of meat in 1986.