i need to draw a fraction strip showing that the two fractions 2/5 and 6/15 are equivalent. i forgot how to do this

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To draw a fraction strip showing that two fractions are equivalent, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Fractions
First, understand the two fractions you want to show as equivalent. In this case, the fractions are 2/5 and 6/15.

Step 2: Find the Least Common Denominator (LCD)
To show that two fractions are equivalent, you need to have the same denominator. Find the least common denominator (LCD) for the fractions 2/5 and 6/15.

To find the LCD, identify the common factors of the denominators (5 and 15). In this case, 5 and 15 share the factor of 5. Divide 15 by 5 to get 3. So, the LCD is 3.

Step 3: Draw the Fraction Strip
Now, draw a long horizontal line representing the whole. Divide the line into equal parts according to the denominator of your LCD (in this case, divide it into 3 equal parts).

For the fraction 2/5, shade in 2 equal parts out of the 5 parts. You can count to find where to start and stop shading. Label this section as 2/5.

Next, for the fraction 6/15, shade in 6 equal parts out of the 15 parts. Again, count to find where to start and stop shading. Label this section as 6/15.

Step 4: Compare the Shaded Portions
Compare the shaded portions of the two fractions. You will see that they are the same length on the fraction strip. This demonstrates that the fractions 2/5 and 6/15 are equivalent.

Step 5: Optional Color Coordination
For better visualization, you can use different colors to shade the sections representing different fractions. It will help distinguish between the two fractions and show their equivalence more clearly.

By following these steps, you should be able to draw a fraction strip showing that the fractions 2/5 and 6/15 are equivalent.