Can anyone answer:

"R is the set with even natural numbers that are less than 2" in roster and set builder form

Yes, I can help you with that.

In roster form, you would list all the elements of the set. So the set R, which consists of even natural numbers that are less than 2, would be empty in roster form because there are no even natural numbers less than 2.

In set builder form, you would define the properties or conditions that the elements of the set must satisfy. In this case, we want even natural numbers less than 2. Since there are no such numbers, the set builder form of R would be:

R = { x | x is an even natural number and x < 2 }

However, since there are no elements that satisfy this condition, the set R would also be empty in set builder form.

So, both in roster and set builder form, the set R is an empty set.