A sample of C3H8 has 2.64 x 10^24 atoms.

How many carbon atoms does the sample contain?

What is the total mass of the sample?

I don't even know where to start i mean it seems like a really simple question but the prof hasn't been through this topic. Im working a bit ahead just to know how to do it. But if you can help me how to solve a question like this i would appreciate your help!

To determine the number of carbon atoms in the sample, we need to understand the chemical formula of C3H8.

In C3H8, the subscripts indicate the number of atoms in each element. There are 3 carbon atoms (C) and 8 hydrogen atoms (H) in one molecule of C3H8.

Given that the sample has 2.64 x 10^24 atoms, we can assume that all the atoms in the sample are part of C3H8.

To find the number of carbon atoms, we need to calculate the proportion of carbon atoms in C3H8.

The molecular weight of C3H8 is 44.1 g/mol. To calculate the proportion of carbon atoms, we can use the molar mass ratio between carbon and C3H8.

Molar mass of C = 12 g/mol
Molar mass of C3H8 = 44.1 g/mol

Since C3H8 has 3 carbon atoms, the ratio of carbon atoms to C3H8 is 3:1. Therefore, the proportion of carbon atoms in C3H8 is 3/4.

To calculate the number of carbon atoms in the sample, we multiply the total number of atoms by the proportion of carbon atoms in C3H8:

Number of carbon atoms = (2.64 x 10^24 atoms) × (3/4) = 1.98 x 10^24 carbon atoms.

Now, to calculate the total mass of the sample, we can use the molar mass of C3H8.

Molar mass of C3H8 = 44.1 g/mol
Number of C3H8 molecules = (2.64 x 10^24 atoms) / (Avogadro's number)

Using Avogadro's number (6.02 x 10^23 molecules/mol), we can calculate the total mass:

Total mass = (number of C3H8 molecules) × (molar mass of C3H8)
Total mass = [(2.64 x 10^24 atoms) / (6.02 x 10^23 molecules/mol)] × (44.1 g/mol)

Simplifying the calculation:

Total mass = 11.53 g

Therefore, the sample contains 1.98 x 10^24 carbon atoms and has a total mass of 11.53 grams.

To determine the number of carbon atoms in the sample, you need to know the chemical formula of C3H8. In this case, C3H8 represents three carbon atoms (C) and eight hydrogen atoms (H).

To calculate the number of carbon atoms, you can multiply the total number of atoms (2.64 x 10^24) by the molar ratio of carbon atoms in C3H8. Since there are three carbon atoms in one molecule of C3H8, the molar ratio of carbon is 3/11 or 0.2727.

Number of carbon atoms = Total number of atoms x Molar ratio of carbon atoms
Number of carbon atoms = (2.64 x 10^24) x 0.2727

As for calculating the total mass of the sample, you will need the molar mass of C3H8, which is the sum of the atomic masses of its constituent elements. The atomic masses of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) can be found on the periodic table.

The atomic mass of carbon is approximately 12.01 g/mol, and the atomic mass of hydrogen is approximately 1.008 g/mol.

The molar mass of C3H8 can be calculated as follows:

Molar mass of C3H8 = (3 x Atomic mass of carbon) + (8 x Atomic mass of hydrogen)
Molar mass of C3H8 = (3 x 12.01 g/mol) + (8 x 1.008 g/mol)

Once you have the molar mass of C3H8, you can calculate the total mass of the sample by multiplying the molar mass by the number of moles, which can be found using Avogadro's number.

Total mass of the sample = Number of moles x Molar mass of C3H8
Total mass of the sample = (Number of carbon atoms / Avogadro's number) x Molar mass of C3H8

Now you can substitute the values into the equations provided and perform the calculations to find the number of carbon atoms and the total mass of the sample.

Remember, Avogadro's number is approximately 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol.