Govin is w years old.His mother is 4 times his age.His father is 3 years older than his mother.

(a) How old is Govin's father in terms of w?
(b) If w=9,how old is Govin's father?

39 years old

Govin's age -- w

mother's age -- 4w
father's age -- 4w+3

a) 4w+3

b) sub in w=9 into the above expression

To solve this problem, let's break it down step-by-step:

(a) How old is Govin's father in terms of w?

Given that Govin is w years old, his mother is 4 times his age. So, his mother's age is 4w.

We are also given that Govin's father is 3 years older than his mother. Therefore, Govin's father's age can be calculated as:

Mother's age + 3 years
= 4w + 3 years.

So, in terms of w, Govin's father's age is 4w + 3.

(b) If w = 9, how old is Govin's father?

To determine Govin's father's age when w = 9, we substitute w = 9 into the equation we derived earlier:

Govin's father's age = 4w + 3
= 4(9) + 3
= 36 + 3
= 39.

Therefore, when w = 9, Govin's father is 39 years old.

To answer this question, we need to break it down into its individual components and use the given information to find the values.

(a) How old is Govin's father in terms of w?

Let's assign variables to the ages:
- Govin's age: G (in years)
- Govin's mother's age: M (in years)
- Govin's father's age: F (in years)

Given information:
- Govin's age: w years (G = w)
- Govin's mother is four times his age (M = 4G)
- Govin's father is three years older than his mother (F = M + 3)

Substituting the value of G from the first given information into the second and third equations:
- M = 4(w)
- F = (4w) + 3

So, in terms of w, Govin's father's age is (4w) + 3.

(b) If w = 9, how old is Govin's father?

Substitute the value of w into the expression obtained in part (a):
F = (4w) + 3
F = (4*9) + 3
F = 36 + 3
F = 39

Therefore, if w = 9, Govin's father would be 39 years old.