Thx, Sue!!! Can u please help me with these others.

Agreement errors:
1) Verb tense error
2) subject verb error
3) pronoun agreement error
4) modifer placement error
5) parallel structure error

Q:The patient is thin, combative, uncooperative, oriented only to person, and intermittent lethargy.
Q:He compains of abdominal, neck, and check pain as well as the need for urination, through her Foley was in place.
Q:The resoration appear to be excellent, as do the position of the hooks.
Q:A dressing of Benzoin, Xeroform, dressing sponges, foam tape with Reston foam, and Steristrips were applied.

THX sooooo much!!! :)

You're welcome, Lori. I suggest you try these yourself.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

Also check your words. You appear to have a few typos.

I'd be happy to help you with the errors in these sentences! Here's a breakdown of each sentence and the specific agreement errors present:

1) The patient is thin, combative, uncooperative, oriented only to person, and intermittent lethargy.
- In this sentence, there is a modifier placement error. The word "thin" should be moved to the end of the list to maintain parallel structure. So, the correct sentence would be:
The patient is combative, uncooperative, oriented only to person, and intermittently lethargic.

2) He compains of abdominal, neck, and check pain as well as the need for urination, through her Foley was in place.
- In this sentence, there are multiple agreement errors.
- First, there is a subject-verb error. Since the subject is "he," the verb "compains" should be changed to "complains."
- Second, there is a parallel structure error. The list of pains is not written in parallel form. It should be "abdominal, neck, and chest pain."
- Finally, there is a pronoun agreement error. Since the subject is "he," the pronoun "her" should be changed to "his."

The corrected sentence would be:
He complains of abdominal, neck, and chest pain, as well as the need for urination, even though his Foley was in place.

3) The resoration appear to be excellent, as do the position of the hooks.
- In this sentence, there is a subject-verb agreement error. The subject "restoration" is singular, so the verb "appear" should be changed to "appears." Additionally, the verb "do" should be changed to "does" to maintain parallel structure.

The corrected sentence would be:
The restoration appears to be excellent, as does the position of the hooks.

4) A dressing of Benzoin, Xeroform, dressing sponges, foam tape with Reston foam, and Steristrips were applied.
- In this sentence, there is a subject-verb agreement error. The subject "a dressing" is singular, so the verb "were" should be changed to "was" to match the singular subject.

The corrected sentence would be:
A dressing of Benzoin, Xeroform, dressing sponges, foam tape with Reston foam, and Steristrips was applied.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.