EXPLAIN how you picked the addends for the sum of 17

Which addends of 17 did you pick?

I picked 10 and 7

15 and 2

To pick the addends for the sum of 17, we need to find two numbers that, when added together, equal 17. Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Start by determining the possible values for the addends. In this case, we are looking for two positive whole numbers that add up to 17.

2. Begin with the lowest possible whole number. Since the addends should be positive, we start with 1.

3. Next, subtract this number from the desired sum. 17 - 1 = 16.

4. The result gives us the other addend. So, the remaining addend is 16.

5. We have now found one possible pair of addends: 1 and 16. We can check if this pair indeed adds up to 17 by summing them: 1 + 16 = 17.

6. However, there may be more combinations to consider. Repeat the process by subtracting a different number from the sum and finding the corresponding addend. For example, if we choose 2, then we subtract 2 from 17 to get 15 as the other addend.

7. Continue this process until you have exhausted all the possible combinations or found the desired addends that sum up to 17.

In summary, to find the addends for the sum of 17, we look for pairs of positive whole numbers that, when added together, equal 17. By subtracting different numbers from 17, we can determine the corresponding addends until we find the desired pair or explore all possible combinations.