A runner wants to run 11.6 km. She knows that her running pace is 8.1 miles per hour. How many minutes must she run?

To convert the distance from kilometers to miles, we can use the conversion factor: 1 kilometer is equal to 0.621371 miles.

Given that the runner wants to run 11.6 km, we can calculate the distance in miles by multiplying 11.6 by 0.621371:
11.6 km * 0.621371 miles/km = 7.210096 miles

Now that we know the distance in miles, we can determine the time it will take to run, using the formula:
Time = Distance / Speed

The runner's speed is given as 8.1 miles per hour, so we can calculate the time:
Time = 7.210096 miles / 8.1 miles per hour = 0.8904 hours

Now, to convert the time from hours to minutes, we multiply by 60:
0.8904 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 53.424 minutes

Therefore, she must run for approximately 53.4 minutes.

To find out how many minutes the runner must run, we will convert the distance from kilometers to miles and then determine the time required using the running pace.

1. Convert kilometers to miles:
Since 1 kilometer is approximately equal to 0.62137119 miles, we can calculate the distance in miles by multiplying 11.6 km by 0.62137119:
Distance in miles = 11.6 km * 0.62137119 = 7.2075 miles

2. Calculate the time required:
The running pace given is 8.1 miles per hour, which means the runner can run 8.1 miles in one hour.
To determine the time required in minutes, we divide the distance in miles by the running pace in miles per hour and then multiply by 60 to convert to minutes:
Time in minutes = (Distance in miles / Running pace in miles per hour) * 60
= (7.2075 miles / 8.1 miles per hour) * 60
= (0.89055556 hours) * 60
≈ 53.43 minutes

Therefore, the runner must run approximately 53.43 minutes to complete a distance of 11.6 km with a running pace of 8.1 miles per hour.

oops, that's 60*8/9

speed = dist/time (as in miles/hr)

The sneaky part here is that everything is in different units. You want to end up with minutes. So, convert everything to miles and minutes

11.6 km * mi/1.6km = 7.2 mi

so, plug and chug:
speed = dist/time
8.1 = 7.2/t
t = 8/9 hr

But we want minutes = 66*8/9 = 53 1/3 min.