Sun-Yi estimated 270 + 146 and got 300. Is her estimate reasonable? Explain.

300 + 100 = 400 is this correct


I did the last two problems for you. Now it's your turn.

What do you think?

270+ 146

She is reasonable

270=146 and got 300.

To determine if Sun-Yi's estimate of 300 for the sum of 270 + 146 is reasonable, we can follow these steps:

1. First, calculate the actual sum of 270 + 146:
270 + 146 = 416.

2. Next, compare the actual sum with Sun-Yi's estimate of 300.

If the actual sum (416) is close to Sun-Yi's estimate (300), then her estimate is reasonable.

If the actual sum (416) is significantly higher or lower than Sun-Yi's estimate (300), then her estimate is not reasonable.

In this case, the actual sum of 416 is higher than Sun-Yi's estimate of 300. The difference between the actual sum and her estimate is 116 (416 - 300 = 116).

Considering the large discrepancy between her estimate and the actual sum, it can be concluded that Sun-Yi's estimate of 300 is not reasonable.