for h(x)=5-4x, determine the input for x when the output of h(x) is -11

To determine the input for x when the output of h(x) is -11, we need to solve the equation h(x) = -11.

Given the function h(x) = 5 - 4x, we substitute -11 for h(x) in the equation and solve for x:

-11 = 5 - 4x

To isolate the variable x, we first move the constant term 5 to the other side of the equation by subtracting 5 from both sides:

-11 - 5 = -4x

-16 = -4x

Next, we isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by -4:

(-16) / (-4) = x

Simplifying this expression, we find:

4 = x

Therefore, the input for x when the output of h(x) is -11 is x = 4.