jason drives due west with a speed of 35.0 mi/h for 30.0 min, then continues in the same direction at 60 mi/h for 2.00 hrs, then farther west at 25 mi/h for 10.00 minutes, What is Jason's average velocity

convert the minutes into hr.

v2= 120mi/h
v3= 4.25mi/h
average velocity= 141.75 mi/h

To find Jason's average velocity, we need to calculate the total displacement and the total time.

First, let's calculate the displacement for each part of the journey:

1. Jason drives at 35.0 mi/h for 30.0 min.
The distance traveled would be (35.0 mi/h) * (30.0 min) = 1050.0 mi/min.

2. Jason continues at 60 mi/h for 2.00 hrs.
The distance traveled would be (60 mi/h) * (2.00 hrs) = 120.0 mi.

3. Jason drives at 25 mi/h for 10.00 minutes.
The distance traveled would be (25 mi/h) * (10.00 min) = 250.0 mi/min.

Now, let's calculate the total displacement:
Total displacement = 1050.0 mi/min + 120.0 mi + 250.0 mi/min
Total displacement = 1400.0 mi

Next, let's calculate the total time:
Total time = 30.0 min + 2.00 hrs + 10.00 min
Total time = 120.0 min + 2.00 hrs
Total time = 240.0 min

Finally, let's calculate the average velocity by dividing the total displacement by the total time:
Average velocity = Total displacement / Total time
Average velocity = 1400.0 mi / 240.0 min
Average velocity = 5.83 mi/min

Jason's average velocity is 5.83 mi/min (westward direction).

To calculate average velocity, we need to find the total displacement and total time taken. Displacement is the change in position from the starting point to the ending point.

Let's break down Jason's motion into each segment:

Segment 1:
Distance covered = speed * time
Distance covered = 35.0 mi/h * (30.0 min / 60 min/h) (Note: converting minutes to hours)
Distance covered = 17.5 miles (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Segment 2:
Distance covered = speed * time
Distance covered = 60 mi/h * 2.00 h
Distance covered = 120 miles

Segment 3:
Distance covered = speed * time
Distance covered = 25 mi/h * (10.00 min / 60 min/h) (Note: converting minutes to hours)
Distance covered = 4.17 miles (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Now, let's find the total displacement by summing up the distances for each segment:
Total displacement = 17.5 miles + 120 miles + 4.17 miles
Total displacement = 141.67 miles (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Next, let's find the total time taken:
Total time = 30.0 min + 2.00 hrs + 10.00 min
Total time = 2.17 hours

Finally, we can calculate average velocity:
Average velocity = total displacement / total time
Average velocity = 141.67 miles / 2.17 hours
Average velocity ≈ 65.32 mi/h

So, Jason's average velocity is approximately 65.32 mi/h, in the same direction (west).