How would you write an interval notation for 9<x<14?

would it be {x x9<x<14}?

To write the interval notation for the inequality 9 < x < 14, you should follow the following steps:

1. Start by using a parentheses "(" or ")" to indicate an open interval or a bracket "[" or "]" to indicate a closed endpoint. In this case, since it is strictly greater than 9 and strictly less than 14, we will use the parentheses "(" and ")" to indicate an open interval.

2. Write the lower bound of the interval, which is 9, after the corresponding symbol (parentheses in this case).

3. Add a comma "," to separate the lower bound from the upper bound.

4. Write the upper bound of the interval, which is 14, before the corresponding symbol (parentheses in this case).

Putting all these steps together, the interval notation for 9 < x < 14 would be (9, 14).