Bret and Troy have a blueprint of a design that they want to duplicate. Bret traces the blueprint to make an approximate image. Troy uses a compass and a straightedge to make the exact measurements and angles in the blueprint.

Which statement is most likely true?
A:Troy is sketching the blueprint because he uses tools like a straightedge.
B:Bret is drawing the blueprint because he does not use exact measurements.
C:Both Bret and Troy are drawing the blueprint because they are duplicates of the original.
D:Both Bret and Troy are constructing the blueprint because they are duplicates of the original.

Looks like B to me.

It's actually D.

Bret is drawing the blueprint because he is not making duplicates of the original.

It's because in the question it states "approximate image" meaning that it won't be accurate and not done with tools. Therefore it leaves the other choices hanging because Troy constructed it.

The correct answer is D: Both Bret and Troy are constructing the blueprint because they are duplicates of the original.

To explain how we can arrive at this answer, we need to understand the given information about Bret and Troy's methods.

According to the information provided, Bret traces the blueprint to create an approximate image. This suggests that Bret is making a rough copy of the blueprint, relying on freehand drawing and estimation. On the other hand, Troy uses a compass and a straightedge to make the exact measurements and angles of the original blueprint. This indicates that Troy is trying to replicate the blueprint precisely, ensuring accurate measurements and angles.

Based on this information, it can be concluded that both Bret and Troy are involved in reproducing the original blueprint. Bret's sketch is an approximate copy, while Troy's use of tools like a compass and straightedge implies a precise replication effort.

Therefore, statement D is the most likely true: Both Bret and Troy are constructing the blueprint because they are duplicates of the original.