A school bus takes 0.74 h to reach the school from your house. If the average velocity of the bus is 17.9 km/h to the east, what is the displacement?

D = Vt = 17.9 * 0.74 = 13.25km.

To calculate the displacement of the school bus, we need to understand what displacement means. Displacement is a vector quantity that gives the change in position between the initial and final points. Mathematically, displacement is defined as the difference between the final position and the initial position.

In this case, since the school bus is moving to the east, we need to calculate the eastward displacement.

To find the displacement, we can use the formula:

Displacement = Velocity × Time

Given that the average velocity of the school bus is 17.9 km/h and the time taken to reach the school is 0.74 hours, we can substitute these values into the formula to find the displacement:

Displacement = 17.9 km/h × 0.74 h

Calculate the product of 17.9 km/h and 0.74 h:

Displacement = 13.246 km

Therefore, the displacement of the school bus from your house to the school is 13.246 km to the east.