Did I write the questions correctly and did I answer these questions correctly? Thanks

1.¿Te gusta vestirte en ropa casual o elegante?

Me gusta vestir con ropa casual.

2.¿Prefieres levantarte temprano o tarde?

Prefiero levantarme temprano.
3.¿Dondé te bañas?

Yo me bano en mi casa por la mañana

4.¿A qué hora vas acostarte esta noche.

Yo voy acostarme a las once de esta noche.

5. ¿Vas a secarte el pelo con una toalla o un secador de pelo?
Voy a secarme el pelo con una toalla.

4.¿A qué hora vas A acostarte esta noche.

Yo voy A acostarme a las once de esta noche.

Oops = I missed #4 in your later post. Absolutely correct! Look carefully at the questions because often the very words you need are there. Just memorize: ir + a + infinitive.


The questions you wrote and the answers you provided are mostly correct with just a few minor errors.

1. ¿Te gusta vestirte en ropa casual o elegante?
Your answer: Me gusta vestir con ropa casual.
This is correct. You expressed your preference for casual clothing.

2. ¿Prefieres levantarte temprano o tarde?
Your answer: Prefiero levantarme temprano.
This is correct. You indicated your preference for waking up early.

3. ¿Dónde te bañas?
Your answer: Yo me bano en mi casa por la mañana.
There is a small spelling mistake. It should be "Yo me baño en mi casa por la mañana." Otherwise, your answer is correct. You mentioned bathing at home in the morning.

4. ¿A qué hora vas a acostarte esta noche?
Your answer: Yo voy acostarme a las once de esta noche.
There is a small grammar mistake. It should be "Yo voy a acostarme a las once de esta noche." This change adds the preposition "a" before the verb "acostarme." Otherwise, your answer is correct. You mentioned going to bed at eleven tonight.

5. ¿Vas a secarte el pelo con una toalla o un secador de pelo?
Your answer: Voy a secarme el pelo con una toalla.
This is correct. You mentioned using a towel to dry your hair.

Overall, your questions and answers are well-written and understandable. Just make sure to double-check your spelling and grammar for accuracy.