what is the sum of the 4 in 541,000

The 4 is in the ten-thousands place.

thank you!!!

You're welcome.

To find the sum of the digits in the number 541,000, you can follow these steps:

1. Write down the number: 541,000.
2. Begin by looking at the rightmost digit, which is a zero in this case. Since zero does not contribute to the sum, we can ignore it for now.
3. Move to the next digit, which is a zero as well. Like before, we can disregard it.
4. Continue moving to the left and add up all the remaining digits one by one: 5 + 4 + 1 = 10.
5. The sum of the digits in the number 541,000 is 10.

Therefore, the sum of the digits in the number 541,000 is 10.

Note: If the number had any leading zeros, they would also be ignored when calculating the sum.