A train travels 50 km and stops to pick up freight. It then travels another 150 km before dropping off the freight. Its total travel time is 11 hours. What is the average velocity of the train if it travels a straight track?



To calculate the average velocity of the train, we need to divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken. In this case, the train travels a distance of 50 km before picking up freight, and then another 150 km before dropping off the freight. So, the total distance traveled by the train is 50 km + 150 km = 200 km.

To find the total time taken by the train, we are given that the train's total travel time is 11 hours. This includes the time it takes to pick up the freight and drop it off. However, we do not know the specific times for these actions. So, we need to make an assumption about the time taken for these actions.

Let's assume that the time taken to pick up the freight and drop it off is equal. This means that the train spends half of its total travel time, which is 11 hours / 2 = 5.5 hours, picking up and dropping off the freight.

Now, we can calculate the time the train spends traveling without picking up or dropping off the freight. This is the total travel time minus the time spent for picking up and dropping off, which is 11 hours - 5.5 hours = 5.5 hours.

Finally, we can calculate the average velocity of the train by dividing the total distance traveled by the time spent traveling without picking up or dropping off the freight. Therefore, the average velocity is 200 km / 5.5 hours = 36.36 km/h.