1. Prejudicial behaviors by young children, particularly in the 3 to 5 year age group, are not rooted in: A. Cognitive inability to fit new information and experiences into an existing belief system B. Observation and emulation of pro-social attitudes and behaviors on the part of a significant adult. C. Continual exposure to an environment that restricts or rejects traits not conforming with one's set of beliefs. D. Imitation of a parent's negative comments and responses. I choose D. Can someone please check my answer


The only prejudicial behavior that is NOT rooted in one of the choices is A.


You're welcome.

To check your answer, we need to analyze each choice and determine the one that is not a root cause of prejudicial behaviors in young children.

A. Cognitive inability to fit new information and experiences into an existing belief system: This choice suggests that prejudicial behaviors may be a result of a cognitive limitation in the child's ability to integrate new information and experiences. For example, a child may have a hard time understanding and accepting differences in people due to their limited cognitive development. This can contribute to stereotyping and prejudice. Therefore, A is a possible root cause of prejudicial behaviors.

B. Observation and emulation of pro-social attitudes and behaviors on the part of a significant adult: This choice proposes that children learn prejudicial behaviors by observing and copying significant adults who exhibit pro-social attitudes and behaviors. If a child witnesses a significant adult expressing prejudiced views, they may imitate those behaviors. Thus, B is a possible root cause of prejudicial behaviors.

C. Continual exposure to an environment that restricts or rejects traits not conforming with one's set of beliefs: This choice suggests that when children are continuously exposed to an environment that restricts or rejects traits not aligned with their beliefs, they may develop prejudiced behaviors. Discrimination and prejudice can be learned through environmental influences. Therefore, C is a possible root cause of prejudicial behaviors.

D. Imitation of a parent's negative comments and responses: This choice proposes that children imitate prejudiced behaviors by imitating negative comments and responses made by their parents. If parents express discriminatory views, their children may learn and imitate those behaviors. Thus, D is also a possible root cause of prejudicial behaviors.

Based on the analysis of all the choices, we can conclude that there is no obvious choice that is not a root cause of prejudicial behaviors. Therefore, it is difficult to determine if your answer (choice D) is correct without additional context or specific information.